Tea by The Sea

Foraged Flowers & Gorse Tea | by Fiona Drummond

Foraged Gorse Tea

Gorse Flower Tea with infused homemade shortbread

Our Coast and wilded woodlands are in full bloom with bright Yellow Gorse, which I have been picking, nibbling and brewing for years. It has a bitter coconut flavour and is excellent for your liver. The colour is pure Spring joy….

Gorse flowers can be picked and used fresh in spring to produce a wonderfully aromatic flower tea ( or cocktail!). Simply pull the flowers from the needles, and put two tablespoons of fresh gorse flowers in a small teapot (serves 2). Make sure to give them a little squeeze first to bruise them, to help release the flavour. Leave to infuse for 7-10 minutes & then strain & serve. I add a teaspoon of our own Cadland honey. Just as nice as an Iced Tea as it is as a hot cuppa.

In Irish folk medicine, Gorse was widely used to treat coughs, colds, sore throats, consumption (tuberculosis), asthma, heartburn, hiccups, jaundice, heart problems, dermatitis, ringworm, swellings, and as a general tonic.Gorse flowers can be dried for later use. If using dried flowers, use one tablespoon instead of two. Another way to enjoy Gorse Flowers is to add them to Gin ! Will create and post :) Enjoy

Gorse grows all along Cadland’s Coast and is an integral part of the enviroment and landscape

Gorse Flower Tea for this mornings Sea Swim with GF Oat Cereal bars